Although Twin Peaks is the oldest of the TV shows and movies I obsess over, and the first such obsession I ever encountered, I didn’t want this to be my first post. That’s because I just.. don’t have a lot to say about it! I love everything about it, but I certainly don’t understand it.
I first watched Twin Peaks as a child. Perhaps that was not the best idea; I was definitely terrified at times, but I was also immediately enchanted, even if I understood none of what was going on. I have watched this show many times over the years, and I have come to appreciate different aspects of it with age. I’ve now been the same age as quite a few of the characters during my rewatches. I still discover new things every time I watch.
I like the atmosphere, the weirdness, the music, and the characters. Basically every scene is iconic. My love for Twin Peaks definitely needs an intro post on this blog, but I don’t know that there will be many future posts about the subject. On the other hand, sometimes I surprise myself by how much I suddenly have to say about things I didn’t think I had a lot to say about. I guess we’ll see.
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